Cream of the Crop 1
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***** Mike Duffy's Xmouse routines *****
released April 28,1992
Version 1.1
I threw these routines together rather quickly, so if you find any
bugs please let me know.
My Internet address is mduffy@aludra.usc.edu if you need to contact
So, What exactly is this?
These routines work in the VGA graphics mode ModeX as put
forth in the July 1991 issue of "Dr. Dobbs Journal" by Michael
Abrash. The routines that set up the mode, draw a pixel, and draw
a filled rectangle as included in the MXLIB.OBJ file are pretty
much taken from the articles in DDJ with few changes. The source
code is available in archives handling code from DDJ. Try
anonymous ftp from SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL in their mirrors directory.
Seek and ye shall find.
As far as the mouse routines, I wrote those suckers. They are
designed to create a mouse cursor for you since most mouse drivers
do not handle the undocumented ModeX.
Da Instructions:
Ok, the following is a description of each of the various
routines available.
unsigned int minitialize(unsigned int MouseX,
unsigned int MouseY,
unsigned char Color);
This is called to check if the mouse is there, initialize it,
and set up various variables. MouseX and MouseY are the starting
coordinates of the mouse on the screen, and Color is the color of
the mouse cursor. For simplicity, the mouse is only one color.
The routine will return a 1 if everything is fine and a 0 if a
mouse is not installed (i.e. no mouse driver). The global variable
"mpresent" is set to 1 if a mouse is present and 0 otherwise.
void muninitialize();
This should be called at the end of your program when you are
done with the mouse. It releases the interrupt vectors the
initialize routine set up.
void mshowcursor(void);
This routine tells the driver to make the mouse cursor
visible. While the mouse cursor is visible, the global variables
"mousex" and "mousey" contain the current x and y coordinates of
the mouse cursor. These variables are not updated when the cursor
is hidden because it is rather silly to use an invisible cursor.
void mhidecursor(void);
This routine hides the cursor from view. Hence its name.
void setmlimits(unsigned int x1,
unsigned int y1,
unsigned int x2,
unsigned int y2);
This routine allow you to set the maximum and the minimum x
and y coordinates that the mouse can travel, thus allowing you to
restrict it to a certain rectangle on the screen. The values for
x1 and x2 can go from 0 to 319 and the y1 and y2 values can go from
0 to 239. The top left corner of this rectangle is defined by
(x1,y1) and the lower right corner is defined by (x2,y2). Mix them
up and your computer will probably take on a life of its own, grab
the nearest piece of heavy furniture, and beat you into a small
lifeless pile of muck.
unsigned int mnonepresssed();
unsigned int mleftpressed();
unsigned int mrightpressed();
unsigned int mbothpressed();
unsigned int mcenterpressed();
unsigned int mcenterleftpressed();
unsigned int mcenterrightpressed();
unsigned int mallpressed();
This set of routines lets you find out the state of your mouse
buttons. They return a 1 if the button is pressed and a 0 if not.
Both means left and right button and all means all three buttons
(that is of course, if you have a three button mouse.) You ought
to be able to figure out which routine does what, and if you can't
then you probably shouldn't be programming anyway.
void setcursshape(enum curstype thetype);
This is a neat feature of the Xmouse driver. You can change
the shape of the cursor by placing the name of the cursor you want
in the variable passed to the routine. The following are the
cursors available:
Standard, UpArrow, LeftArrow, CheckMark, PointingHand,
DiagonalCross, RectangularCross, HourGlass, UserDef1, UserDef2,
UserDef3, UserDef4
The last four, the UserDef selections, can be defined by the user.
The format for the cursor information is a bitmap 8 bits wide by
8 rows high. This is stored in an array of 8 unsigned chars. This
bitmap is a bit unique in that you have to draw your cursor
backwards to get it to display forwards (VGA registers are screwy,
aren't they?) For example the bitmap for the standard cursor is:
00111111 The '1's are colored in and the '0's are masked out.
00011111 figure the value out for each row as if each row
00001111 were a binary value (because by golly, they ARE
00011111 binary values!)
01110001 <---- This line represents the value 113.
11100000 If you don't know binary.... learn it!
Also included in the definition of a mouse cursor is a hot spot.
The hot spot is the pixel that is considered the mouse's
coordinate. On the cursor above, it is at the tip of the arrow and
has a value of HorizHotSpot = 0 and VertHotSpot = 0. This is the
upper right corner of the bitmap above, but since it will be
flipped left to right when displayed, the hot spot will be the
upper left corner. The value of the hot spot can go from 0 to 7,
and dat's it. To make things easier I type set them as a
structure. The variables are UserDefCurs1, UserDefCurs2,
UserDefCurs3, UserDefCurs4. Shouldn't be too hard to figure out.
Da Technical Stuff:
First off, the driver needs the last 97 bytes in the display
memory segment (i.e. segment 0xa000). Don't mess with them.
Secondly, the driver attaches into the standard mouse driver
via mouse interrupt function 0C hex. Don't mess with this either.
The uninitialize function releases the interrupt vector set up with
this function so that everything is nice and clean.
As far as memory models go, the Xmouse will work on tiny,
small, compact, medium, and large memory models. Just include the
correct object file in your project (tiny = TXMOUSE.OBJ,
small = SXMOUSE.OBJ, and medium = MXMOUSE.OBJ). Xmouse take up 146
bytes out of your data segment. If you need other memory models to
be supported and you beg and plead, then I MIGHT consider altering
my source code and recompiling, my schedule permitting. Try the
medium memory model first though; it's a good one.
The object code for these routines is hereby released to the
public (i.e. they are public domain). In exception to the above
sentence are the routines drawn from the Michael Abrash articles
in Dr. Dobb's Journal, July 1991, August 1991, and September 1991
The routines based on routines in Michael Abrash's articles
are as follows, with the names of Abrash's routine in parenthasis
setmodex() (a variant of Set320x240Mode()), xputpix() (WritePixelX()),
xgetpix() (ReadPixelX()), xbar() (FillRectangleX()), and showpage()
(ShowPage()). The rest of the routines are hereby public domain.
Furthermore, the user shall use these routines at his own
risk. The author is not responsible for any damages to computer,
projects, programs, time, scheduling, hardware, software, loss of
hair, sanity, or sleep due to correct or incorrect use of the
routines. In other words ....
Don't blame me for problems.... I'm not responsible.
Mike Duffy
Release History (as if you cared):
Ver 1.0 April 28, 1992
The basic package released to the hungry public.
Ver 1.1 May 7, 1992
I fixed a couple of bugs in the mshowcursor and mhidecursor routines.
Compact and Large memory models now supported.
A few of the routines in the xlib package were renamed. Sorry for the
inconvenience (just use search and replace to fix yer programs).
Finally, the order of variables in a few of the routines were changed
so that the color would always be the last variable, instead of the
page to draw to.
The mouse cursor can now be shown on any of the pages in display
A showpage() routine has been added to xlib.